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Nurul Fikri Learner Profile

SIT Nurul Fikri mengarahkan proses pendidikannya pada upaya perwujudan Imamul Muttaqin yang disebut dengan Nurul Fikri Learner Profile, dan lebih dikenal dengan sebutan SMART


Siswa memiliki ketaatan diri kepada Allah SWT yang ditunjukkan dengan ketaatan beribadah, berakidah ahlusunnah, dan berperilaku jujur.


Siswa memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan, kepeloporan, kepedulian, dan kecintaan terhadap tanah air, serta memiliki kemampuan bekerjasama, berperilaku respek, ramah, dan bertanggung jawab.


Siswa memiliki rasa keingintahuan dan motivasi berprestasi yang tinggi; serta memiliki kreativitas, keterbukaan terhadap gagasan, kemampuan berpikir ilmiah dan menyelesaikan masalah


Siswa mampu berperilaku independen, enterpreneur, bertindak proaktif, serta memiliki kebugaran.


Siswa memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi efektif dan cekatan.

Prestasi Siswa

  • Rank 4 of Indonesian Language Debate Competition at MAN InCen Serpong BSD in 2019.
  • The best speaker of LDBI OSN Sejarah-LDBI Sejarah in 2018
  • 1st winner in Fun Life in Green Hill Tournament -1 Cheststroke Swimming in 2018
  • 1st winner in Fun Life in Green Hill Tournament -1 Freestyle Swimming in 2018.
  • 2nd Winner of Dandim 0508 Archery Competition (Standard Bow / Recurve High School and General Women) Jabodetabek 2018
  • 2nd winner in Regional Swimming Championship in West Java in 2018
  • 2nd Winner in the LDBI Indonesian Language Debate Competition city level in 2018
  • 2nd Winner in the Indonesian Language Debate Competition at Mardiyuana School in 2018
  • Rank 4 of LDBI OSN History in 2018
  • 1st Winner in PsychoSport Futsal Competition of University Pancasila in 2017 2nd Winner for 67th Anniversary of Jumping Cavalry SJ 70-90 JUNIOR
  • 2nd Parongpong in 2017
  • 3rd Winner in Indonesian Language Debate Competition of Depok City Indonesian Language MGMP in 2017

Prestasi Guru

  • Best Practice Articles in Home Learning Workshop, An Award of Ki Hajar Dewantara 2018, Pustekkom Kemdikbud.
  • Ambassador of West Java Learning House 2018, Anugerah Ki Hajar 2018, Pustekkom Kemdikbud.
  • Representing Indonesia in the APCEIU-UNESCO Asia Pacific Teacher Exchange Program to South Korea in 2015.
  • Representing West Java at the National Chemistry Teacher Science Olympiad in 2014

Prestasi Sekolah

  • 82% of graduates are accepted at the Top PTN in 2019.
  • The highest average score of national exam among private schools in Depok City, 2019.
  • Accredited with an A grade by the National Accreditation Board

Program Kesiswaan

  • Pramuka
  • Science Camp
  • Quran Camp
  • Homestay
  • Kunjungan Edukasi
  • Market Day
  • Penulisan Karya Ilmiah
  • Achievement Motivation Training (AMT)
  • Try Out
  • Bimbingan Belajar Nurul Fikri
  • Club PTN
  • Career Day & Campus Fair

Ekstra Kurikuler

  • Panahan
  • Basket
  • Futsal
  • Tae Kwon Do
  • Karya Ilmiah Remaja (KIR)
  • Japan club
  • Olah Vokal
  • Teater
  • Tahfidz Club
  • Jurnalistik
  • Desain Graphis & Komputer

Qur’anic Generation Construction Program

  • Reading Quran Habituation
    • Memorize selected surah and ayah (equal to 3 juz of the Quran)
    • Majelis Quran
    • Memorizing Hadits and Prayer
  • Islamic Personal Development
  • Habituation of Worship:
    • Praying in congregation
    • Performing ablution from home
    • Dhikr
    • Prayer and Dhuha
    • Prayer Tahajjud Call

Leadership Programs (Leadership and Nationality Development)

      • Basic leadership training Flag ceremony
      • Flag ceremony
      • Scout
      • OSIS
      • Student cooperative
      • Student Representative Council

Academic and Research Culture Development

  • Educational visit
  • Internal Science Olympic Science Camp
  • Research Expo
  • Student Scientific Work Home stay
  • Campus Expo
  • PTN Preparatory Preparation Program

Information and Communication Technology

  • Computational Thinking
  • Robotic
  • Internet of Things
  • Mobile Applications Development

Active Learning & Teaching

  • HOTS instructional alignment
  • Problem Based Learning
  • Cooperative Learning
  • Collaborative Learning

Language skills Improvement

  • TOEFL Preparation (target 500) OXFORD
  • English Curriculum
  • Cambridge Exam Language Assessment

Kelas X

Kelas XI

Kelas XII

Program Unggulan Sekolah

Tahfidz & Tafhim Quran

Alquran memorization program. Students are expected to memorize Alquran and to make Alquran as a guidance for living in everyday life

Leadership Programs

The leadership programs that aim to prepare students to be leaders for themselves at school and in society. These programs are integrated in the intracurricular, extracurricular, and students' organizational activities


A program of instruction, designed for the students to learn selected subjects using English and variety of strategies, strengthen by English daily conversation

Research Culture

A culture that aims to improve students' ability to think logically, analytically, and critically about phenomena approach that inline with student development stages

REFRESH Attitude

REFRESH stands for Respect, Friendly, Responsible, and Honesty. REFRESH attitude is one SMART implementation programs on Salih and Muslih dimensions

Computational Learning

The learning program that aims to prepare students in information and communication technology, so they are ready for industry 4.0 era

Reading Culture

A culture that aims to increase students' interest to read books and shape their reading literacy, supported by system

Gallery Kegiatan Sekolah